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Wisconsin Auctions
Sheboygan, WI
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Boelk Brothers Farm Retirement
February 6
Oakfield, WI
After several years of successful farming the Boelk brothers have decided it is time to retire. They have sold their land and are now liquidating their excellent line of machinery. For information call Kevin 920-948-1657, Dewey 920-960-2259, or Lon
Gavin Bros. Auctioneers LLC.
Oakfield, WI
After several years of successful farming the Boelk brothers have decided it is time to retire. They have sold their land and are now liquidating their excellent line of machinery. For information call Kevin 920-948-1657, Dewey 920-960-2259, or Lon
Winter Consignment Auction
Online Only - Bidding Ends February 11
Chilton, WI
A little bit of everything on this years Winter Consignment Auction. Riding Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Ladders, Pressure Washers, Wood Working Shop Tools - Drill Press, Welders, Grinders, All the hand tools, Tool Box, House Hold Furniture, Smart Boar
Thiel and Thiel Auction Service
Chilton, WI
A little bit of everything on this years Winter Consignment Auction. Riding Lawn Mowers, Snow Blowers, Ladders, Pressure Washers, Wood Working Shop Tools - Drill Press, Welders, Grinders, All the hand tools, Tool Box, House Hold Furniture, Smart Boar