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Michigan Auctions
Traverse City, MI
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Ed Richter's Rare Private Powersports Collection (over 200 Motorcycles, Dirtbikes, ATV's, etc.)
Online Only - Bidding Ends February 11
Mecosta, MI
Ed Richter has compiled an incredible private collection of 200+ rare and pristine collectible dirt bikes, motorcycles, atv’s, four wheelers, three wheelers, minibikes, snowmobiles, outboard boat motors, gas pumps, powersports signs and much more.
Miedema Asset Management Group
Mecosta, MI
Ed Richter has compiled an incredible private collection of 200+ rare and pristine collectible dirt bikes, motorcycles, atv’s, four wheelers, three wheelers, minibikes, snowmobiles, outboard boat motors, gas pumps, powersports signs and much more.